When you buy advertising do you ask “What’s your cheapest
“Give me the cheapest Billboard”
“What time slots offer the cheapest radio/TV spots?
Of course not – you want your advertising to be seen, to be
heard, to be remembered.
And yet I still have people ask me –
“What is the cheapest
thing I can give away at a trade show?”
want to give away pens but I don’t want to pay more than $.25 per pen.”
“Which T-shirt is the cheapest?”
Is that what you really want for your brand? Do you want a pen that doesn’t write well and gets thrown away? Or a chip clip that breaks the first time the customer uses
it; Or a T-shirt that never sees the light of day or worse yet, becomes a rag
for washing the car?
We help customers choose wisely. There are many great inexpensive items that
actually work for you – calendar strips that stay in front of your customer all
year, items that change color for that great wow effect, an array of useful
kitchen gadgets and inexpensive pens that also incorporate a stylus. Spending a few dollars more can get you a
t-shirt that customers will love and wear often. And with a great design from our art
department, it can become their favorite – advertising for your every time that
shirt is worn. Let us help you choose promotional
products that customers want and will use, and these items will go to work for
you to remind your customers every day of your great products and services.
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